Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Youth: What a Plight

By Paul Dotto

Has its ending length, many think not,
Has its good and bad surrounds, no one accepts of the latter,
Sweet, but bitter in facing realities;

Moulds its parameters and colourful decisions,
Full and always covered with laments, to others,
Cracks, passes, everywhere capable of endearing, challenges-
No defeat;

‘Enjoy life’- it tells to itself,
Then when faces a valley, utters- ‘let it pass, there is near relief’,
It forgets, it also disappears too, as a tree leaf,
Dismisses that it has to work, for a loaf;

Effective utilization of prospect, and time, it delays,
A thought of cutback, for future, it lays to future itself,
‘Let the dead bury their fellow dead’, says!
It likes, for anon- regrets;

Anxious to catch-everything comes the path,
Wealth, pride, education, love, leadership: for free, for oath,
All, via bad or worse way- ‘take a benefit, ignore their wrath’
It tells-confidently as used to be;

Rarely, accepts its setback, Achilles' heel;
Its fellow grievances’, consoles-‘we shall overcome- their ill-treatment’,
To it, always grant a positive image. Only way for encouragement: Praise
Overlooks that: rectification heals!

Goodness! It possesses energy, fast brain, power- to employ,
In fulfillment of self and communal needs, if well to deploy;
With great, untold benefit to all,
Youth, considered a crucial part of life; an all life determinant,

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